Monday, December 7, 2015

2000 New World

In the 2000’s the things that had mainstream appeal were gaming, social media, celebrity clothing, emo culture, and football. Gaming was something that was still considered cool during this time period mainly due to the creation of gaming competitions as well the rise of online games. These advancements in technology that allowed games to be played online and with other people was the only reason this occurred, Social media was also a massive thing that became cool thanks to the likes of Myspace and Facebook. These platforms allowed a plethora of people to share their thoughts and easily communicate with friends, which was only possible, due to advancements in technology. In addition to these trends, many clothing’s trends that became cool such as denim jeans and bedazzled clothing was mainly due to celebrities. These influential people basically dictated what was perceived as cool. If Justin Timberlake wore a specific piece of clothing that piece clothing would now be perceived as cool. This is how many fashion trends that were considered cool occurred during this decade, some examples being denim jeans as well emo culture. One may argue emo culture was due to counter culture, however I believe that is wrong. Klosterman states “they hate it because it speaks to normal people in a tangible, rational manner”. (67) Most people who support counter culture believe emo culture became a thing, since it goes against the norm and how emo culture was mainly for outsiders. However that is not the case. The catalyst of emo culture was a band that promoted this type of behavior. The band Green Day was the catalyst of this movement. People perceive emo culture to be cool due Green Day, since it was a famous band rather than the fact that it went against the norm

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