Monday, December 7, 2015

What Happens Now

Lastly, we have the current decade we are in now. Currently in this decade social media, gaming, frat culture, as well hipster rap, and indie rock are currently what is cool. This is mainly due to advancements in technology, since live streaming is now possible. As well phones allow high quality pictures, which led to increase popularity of things such as snapchat and Instagram. These cool things are only possible with technology advancements, since these are the newest things. Frat culture is becoming very cool and popular, due to the fact that there has been many famous and influential people representing this. Such as Ed Helms as well Ed Westwick. These people get others to want to dress nice, so they can feel as important as them and to feel cool, since these stars are perceived as cool. Lastly the last trend that is cool, which is hipster rap and indie rock, which only occurred due to the emergence of new technology. Since technology allows these musicians to reach a broader audience they have become more known. These genres are considered cool because current society is sick of a majority of what mass media produces. For example Rebecca Black was rejected when the producers tried to force her music to the public, which lead to people wanting to against it. In conclusion you can see that technology, world events, and influential people have such a drastic effect on what society perceives is cool as well what is trending.

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