Monday, December 7, 2015


In the 1990’s the things perceived as cool were grunge, pop, rap, street wear, cartoons, and video games. A majority of these things occurred to technological advancements as well as many famous musicians that had a worldwide appeal. Technological advancements allowed video game consoles to become easily accessible for example the Nintendo 64 and Atari Jaguar. This made video games very cool and popular, since it was easily accessible and they were the newest piece of technology. In addition cartoons became popular due to these advances in technology. This form of media was revived and many people enjoyed these new action packed cartoons, or extremely profane and funny cartoons. South Park a show that many people referenced and was very cool only happened due to the fact that the advancements in technology made it cheaper for the producers to create this show. Another piece of technology which was CD player made numerous forms of music cool. Since music was constantly available more people got to branch out making numerous, genres cool and have a mainstream appeal. Some examples being Nirvana and Weezer for the grunge genre, Tupac and Biggie for the rap genre, and N’SYNC and the Back Street Boys for pop. These iconic bands and people also made each respective genre cool because some of these bands and people had a cult like followings. One could argue that without Tupac or Eminem rap would have never been popular, since they were both catalyst of rap music becoming cool. As one can see technology and influential people have a drastic effect on what is perceived to be cool.

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