Monday, December 7, 2015

The 70's

In the 1970’s things that were perceived as cool drastically changed from what were perceived to be cool in the 1960’s. Gaming became very popular in society with the release the famous game Pong as well the emergence of punk culture came to society. Some other things that were perceived as cool during this time were more genres of music such as disco, since the 8 track came out as well the film franchise Star Wars. During this decade there were many catalysts to allow these trends to become cool and have a lasting impact on this decade. Thanks to the Vietnam War and the animosity towards Vietnam from teenagers and college students punk culture emerged. It was now cool to go against the man thus making punk culture insanely popular. During the latter half of the 1970’s things did change though. The emergence of more colorful clothes had a greater presence in society as well more artistic advances happened. Being an artist was now considered cool, due to the likes of Roger Brown and Al Held. As one can see world events and the emergence of new technology had a massive factor of these things becoming cool and becoming mainstream. Without the advancements of technology different genres of music such as disco could have never become a massive trend in society, since the 8 track allowed more music to be accessible. To further expand without technology the rise of gaming could have not even occurred without it.  Lastly without the Vietnam War punk culture would have never came to play, since punk culture is about going against the man. One could argue the Vietnam War was the catalyst of the rise of punk culture, since the Vietnam War was something a lot of people could stand up against.

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